О зомби компьютерах

Oct 31, 2008 11:12

Года два назад во время экспериментов компьютер без брандмацэра (он же файервол) выдерживал где-то 2,5 минуты. Сейчас захват и зомбирование вашего компьютера занимает 30 секунд и далется это автоматизированно:

cybercrime investigator, connects an unprotected computer running an early version of Windows XP to the Internet. In about 30 seconds the computer is 'owned.' An automated program lurking on the Internet has remotely taken over the PC and turned it into a 'zombie.'

Количество ботнетов в сети просто замечательное, самый большой ботнет, оказывается, русский:

Criminal elements and rogue nation states have created more active zombie networks in the last month than ever before. At any given moment there are approximately 1,000 active botnets. In total, experts estimate that there are nearly 300,000 botnets in place today. The largest botnet is thought to control between 150 and 180 million computers and is operated by the Russian Business Network (RBN).

В день бывает до 1300 DDoS атак:

On the 27th of August at approximately 16:18 a DoS attack against the Georgian websites was launched. The main target was the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The attacks peaked at approx 0.5 million network packets per second, and up to 200-250 Mbits per second. So who was the enemy where all this attack traffic originate? The startling fact is that the enemy lives among us! Multiple reports point to the U.S. as the largest source of this malicious traffic. Estimates of 17% to around 30% of the DoS traffic that targeted Estonia and the Republic of Georgia came from compromised computers within the borders of the United States. In a separate study it was determined that 20.6 million attempted attacks originated from computers within the U.S., and only 7.7 million attempted attacks emanating from computers within China's borders (a distant second).

reports, информвойна, internet

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