The real Twitter activity - 5% real active users

Jul 12, 2011 14:28

В действительности, статистики всех социальных сетей грешат гоголевщиной - большинство - это мертвые души. Или полумертвые. Вот как выглядит реальный Твиттер

То есть 5% юзеров создают три четверти активности - вот болтуны-то. А если снять отсюда тех, кто занимается социальным маркетингом и ботов - то останется довольно мало - ну сравнительно- все равно миллионы, но все же

After analyzing information disclosed on 11.5 million Twitters accounts, we discovered that:
  • 72.5% of all users joining during the first five months of 2009
  • 85.3% of all Twitter users post less than one update/day
  • 21% of users have never posted a Tweet
  • 93.6% of users have less than 100 followers, while 92.4% follow less than 100 people
  • 5% of Twitter users account for 75% of all activity (see the report on analysis of top-5% users)
  • New York has the most Twitters users, followed by Los Angeles, Toronto, San Francisco and Boston; while Detroit was the fast-growing city over the first five months of 2009
  • More than 50% of all updates are published using tools, mobile and Web-based, other than TweetDeck is the most popular tool with 19.7% market share.
  • There are more women on Twitter (53%) than men (47%)
  • Of the people who identify themselves as marketers, 15% follow more than 2,000 people. This compares with 0.29% of overall Twitter users who follow more than 2,000 people.
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stats, reports, twitter, social networks

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