Apr 08, 2007 00:21
What to say. What to think.
I don't know how I feel anymore.
All I know, is I feel sickened, more often than I should. At people's morals. At people's lack of respect for themselves.
Too often I choose to shake my head at people's actions.
Now, it isn't my place to judge them, nor to tell them what to do.
But that doesn't stop the feeling of disgust.
Why, when you know the person hardly gives a shit about you. Only comes to you when they're horny. Why would you make love to someone like that, knowing that have no passion for you.
Only hormones.
Now, people tend to shake their heads when I say I don't want to have premarital sex. But, honestly, I love God, but this one rule of mine, doesn't have to do with religion. I refuse to give into temptation, when the passion one feels is not shared.
I'll never understand how people can justify their actions so easily.
But again, I won't judge.
I'll just stay confused. And move on with my life.
I have a certain love for everyone I know. And I'm here for all of you. Never think I'll judge you based on something you do. I will never wag my finger at you after the deed is done.
I won't even tell you how I feel if you don't come to me.
But. I am the best listener out there. There's no doubt in my mind.
Much love.
God bless.