I AM the rock

Jan 04, 2005 21:10

Good coffee. Good times. It's nice to have someone to talk to... someone who SORTA knows what I'm going through. Thanks hon... I needed that. It's nice to get out. Although, I am sick and tired of being the rock in that place... work I mean. Even when I'm not fucking working I STILL get harrassed about things when I'm there. Fuck, leave me alone and just let me be a customer... mind you, a non-PAYING customer, but still.

In other news, I leave for Oshawa exactly 1 month from today. I can't fucking wait. A month seems so damn long. But I guess it could be longer. Who knows when I'll be able to go again, *sighs*...

The hunt for a decently priced apartment continues... and with no luck, I might add. Why is it that In Brockville I had an AWESOME 1 bedroom apartment for $400 a month, and you can't even get a hole in the wall for that in Ottawa??? How the fuck do they expect people to live in this city??? I could probably afford about $700 all inclusive.... at least that would give me a little money to play with. But that's not gonna happen. I've started to consider the roommate thing, but I've been down that route and I really don't wanna do it again. I wanna have my own place, where I can come and go as I please without having to answer to anyone. Somewhere I can walk around nekkid if I so please (calm the hormones boys lol). I needs some furniture... and a TV... and a computer... pretty much everything. Jim owns 90% of the shit in here. Damn it. It's really like starting a new life... it's like leaving home for the first time all over again. I've been on my own for 6 years now, but I've never really lived alone. That scares me... alot...

I get the weekend all to myself, YAAAAAY!! Party on Saturday, no doubt recovering from a hangover on Sunday morning/afternoon, but no plans for Sunday night... any takers?? My parents are taking Christian until Tuesday morning... I'm gonna miss my little dude. But the break is welcomed with open arms. You know, when I'm without him for a few days it just makes me appreciate him that much more. It's hard not to take him for granted... I could lose him in a heartbeat, I know that. I love him... props to Christian:)

Well, I guess I'll settle in for a night of TV... outta smokes, ugh. Maybe Jim'll be nice enough to grab me a pack from work tonite... doubtful, but there's a first time for everything right??
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