Dec 23, 2004 19:49
Fuck. When the hell did my son become such a burden... to everyone but me and Daddy???We had this agreement that Jim's mom would take him on thursday nights and my parents would take him on monday's. Well, this morning my mother informs me that they can't babysit EVERY monday- although she was the one who told me to start working monday's cause she would take him. So now I have no babysitter for this coming monday and there's no way I can get out of work.
Fast forward to tonight. Jim calls his mom to double check that she's coming tonight. She flips RIGHT the fuck out, bitching that the weather is terrible and that this is SUCH an "inconvenience". WTF???? When I have grandchildren I will JUMP at the opportunity to babysit. Fuck. This is complete bullshit. My son is an inconvenience eh??? Bite my ass bitch. I can seperate from Jim but I can't get away from the evil mother-in-law. Holy motherfucking pyscho BITCH!!!! It's not like we ask for much, it's one day a fucking week. I only work 4 shifts as it is, I can't afford to drop any. And my parents too, how hard is one damn day??? I don't even know if I'll be able to go out for my birthday now, cause I'm scared to ask either one of them to babysit. *sighs*
Well, the good news is that: xmas gifts??? wrapped/bagged. Cards?? Signed/Sealed/Ready to be delivered. Addresses for Rob and Jess?? Got 'em. Done and done I tell ya. I got one of my presents today!!! A beautiful new computer desk from mommy and daddy *smiles*. It's so classy looking LOL! Can't wait until it's all put together. YAY!!
You know what I just realized?? I haven't taken my ring of yet. I don't think I can, it just makes it so final. I'll leave it for awhile, it still has meaning to it. Whoa, thinking of that almost set off the tears... damn it all...