Family Vacations

Aug 04, 2005 22:30

Last Sunday my family and I left for what was hopefully the last family vacation that I will ever go on. We ended up going to Traverse City. Almost the entire vacation was spent driving around the lakeshore, arguing with my sister, and getting sunburned.

For the past year or so I have been running around and rarely spending time with my family, so when I spent time with them I was completly suprised by the changes in their personalities. My sister is a complete bitch (Not even Joking!!), My mom has begun to speak up for what she wants now (Not always in a nice way either), My brother is pretty calm, and even though he doesn't say anything, I found out that things really do bother him, and my dad has become much nicer than before, I can actually stand to be around him.

The best part of our vacation was when we went down the Platte River. It is one of those rivers that you can float down, and it drops you off in Lake Michigan. We spent like 5 hours there the first day and ended up geting extremely burnt.
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