Mar 20, 2004 09:26
[*IMPORTANT*]~::.DoNt WoRrY aBoUt Me Or WhAt I dO, wHaT hApPeNs In My LiFe HaS nOtHiNg To Do WiTh YoU, sO kEeP yOuR mOuTh ShUt AnD sToP tAlKiNg crap CuZ iM sIcK aNd TiReD oF yOu SkAnKs & AlL yOuR dRaMa BuLlShIt!!!
i d0nt nEed 2 impRess nEbody
i aM wh0 I wanNa Be
iF u caNt deAl wIt thaT
tuFf sHit-- thaTs me
Go AhEaD n TaLk bOuT mE
BuT I HaVe SuM AdViCe
cLiK YoUr hEeLz ToGeThA n Sai
I nEeD a FuCkIn LyFe
You stare because im different...
(\.../) (\.../) (\.../) (\.../)
( *.*) ('.'= ) ('.'= ) ('.'= )
(")_(") (")_("))(")_("))(")_("))
I stare because your all the same!
*We'Ve KnOwN eAcHoThEr FoR a LoNg TiMe*
* BuT i NeVa ReALLy NoTiCeD aLL tHe MaGiC iN uR eYeZ*
*iVe BeEn ArOuNd U a ThOuSaNd TiMeS b4*
* aNd UvE aLwAyS bEeN a FriEnD 2 mE*
* BuT nOw Ur So MuCh MoRe*
-*I wanna be the girl you d r e a m of at night*-
-*I wanna be the girl you h o l d so tight*-
-*I wanna be the girl whose q u e e n of your world*-
-*but most of all I wanna be YOUR girl*-
x----------» ||LoVe || «-----------x
o~» Love is when you can't «~o
x~» Pay attention in class «~x
o~» Cuz you're too busy writing «~o
x~» Your first name with his last «~x
x----------» || LoVe || «-----------
.-:¦:-Guys are like stars, -:¦:-
((¸¸.·´*-theres a ton of em'*`·.¸¸))
-:¦:-but only one can make your-:¦:-
Lies they tell us in school@!@!@!
1.)*We are Here to Help You*--thats a lie...all theyr at school to do is send kids to ISS and get paid.
2.)*You will have enough time to get to your next class before the bell rings*-- 3 minutes to get to our lockers and go up to the next class! nooo!!!not enough time!
3.)*The Dress Code Will Be Inforced*--if the dress code is infroced why are there so many sluts?
4.)*No Smoking is allowed on School Grounds*--really? i see ppl doin it all the time
5.)*Our Basketball team will win the championship this year* really? wow the team sucked so much i just realized we had a team.
6.)*We expect more of you here*--if you expect more then why must you treat us like 5 year olds?
7.)*Guidance Counslers are always available to help you*--Really then why are they always in "meetings" and on "lunch breaks"
8.)*Your Schedule was created with your needs in mind*--really? then why do they suck so much?
9.)* Your Locker Combo is Private*--really then why do i see teahcers and such going through them?
10.)These Years will be the ones you look back on fondly--wow i guess that means ill live a pretty boring life if im gonna look back on this fondly.
11.)*You will use algebra in your everyday life*--really then how come no one does?
12.)*Driving to School is a privelage that can be taken away*--its my car.
13.) *Students must stay on school property for lunch*--heh! watch me leave!
14.)* The new textbooks should arrive anyday now*--really? where have i heard that before?...oh yes, last year, the year before that....
15.)*Colleges Care about more than just your SAT scores*--Mhmm...really....
16.) * We are inforcing the Dress code*--again, then why are there so many sluts?
17.)* We will figure out how to turn off the heat soon*--before june please!
18.) *Our bus drivers are highly trained professionals*--really thats why my bus driver is named casper...
19.) *There is Nothing wrong with summer school*--Really, id like to differ
20.)*We want to hear what you have to say*--then why dont you ever call on me?