Jan 01, 2007 14:17
Happy new year & all that shiznet :].
my new years resolution is to be a fucking shit hot drummer & get a flat wich involves getting a job.
anyway. tonight am off to Ians wi Davo. not sure who's gonna be there, but will deffo be a good night.
he stays close to me aswell :D. so don't have to worry about transport.
got a healthy amount of booze, i might ask for a bottle of vodka from my mum. she has loads & wont drink 'em. i dont drink it. but tis nice to b.y.o.b & share...
my back garden is like 0_o woah. my trampoline has ended up way down the back of my garden :|:|. legs have came off.
i've put it back to the front of the back garden & tidied the place up.
called Davie boy a wee bit ago. & he got a txt from a really annoying biint.
& i feel so pointles to the txt. that's a good thing.
i look forward to much fun this year & hope all my friends & family have a fucking brillint year too :].