Apr 22, 2003 22:21
Life blows, there's really no point to doing anything. Seriously think about it, why go to work, about 1/4 of your money goes to the government, then at home the only thing u probley own is a busted car that is not even close to being the car of your dreams....which u also have to pay insurance just to put it on the road, and lately I feel as if everything i do is a waste cause no matter what i do to people what i say how i act or anything no one really gets close to me, I am and probley forever will be the big fat guy that is really nice, o joy how excited am I for this. I so wish i would get a letter tomorrow saying I was like drafted or like something about a long lost relative saying i am to go to china or japan to train to be an assian (hey i can dream can't i) o well it's off to drown the shit filled world with go old japanis anime that makes me wish i were there instead of here.