Well, the weather outside is frightning, but the fire is so-o-o inviting

Nov 12, 2004 09:59

Yeah, it's a bit nipply outside, and by that I mean it's cold as hell. But either way, I woke up late and I had to rush off to Spanish class, in my sandles. Rough... my toes almost fell off due to the cold. We have a test Wends. and I'm in no way prepared for it. But I'm hoping for the best grade for me...

So I actually got on to write about my dream last night, it both frightend me and got me depressed. my dream was that I got drafted into the army and I was suppose to go out and find my army captian. I'm not sure what devision I was in or anything but all I know is that I was in a plane with my friend and he was taking me to the camp and as I looked out the window I noticed shots being fired off everywhere, there was no peace anywhere, until we got to the camp. The Camp was suprisingly on a beach front. As we all piled out someone threw me a hand gun and turned and spoke in some Arabic form. I yelled for everyone to get out of the plane but it was to late, the plane was being blown up.

I took the gun and tried to fire it at the traitor but alas there were no bullets, so I got up and began to run at him. As everyone knows, in their dreams you don't run as fast as you like, so I was running like a turtle. Though somehow I got up to the assailent and was able to pistal whip him down. I know he became knocked out but after that I headed to the general's quarters. I noticed on the ground that there was Hebrew writings on the ground and remembered that it was Channukah. I bowed down and started to say my prayers for this holy day. Another man knelt beside me and said the prayers with me... We both got up together and told our officers that we would not fight on a holy day such as today. But seeing all the men dieing around me made me think twice about my decision.

Depressing and sobering dream isn't it...well just pretend that you were "there" expiriencing it all. Jesus, I don't know what I would do if I were ever to go off to the Army. I have very much respect for our fellow troops who are overseas but I do want them home. I have many friends who went overseas and it worries me that they might be overthere getting hurt. Today I will meditate in order to pray that our troops might be coming home soon. Please, join with me (in spirit, if nothing else) and help with getting our troops home asap.

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