(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 01:43

my head hurts. i should sleep but i'm not tired. hahahahah....my my it's been ages since i last updated this thing *poke poke* >___>

what's new well, not much really. i just got a new job in october that i'm already having to quit 'cause they won't approve the time off that i need for my christmas trip....silly bastards. i even put the request 2 months in advance. 'course then they lost it which doesn't help matters much. ah well. hopefully since i'm leaving on good terms i'll be able to return in january. ^^ we'll see.

no i don't have a boyfriend so don't bother asking. -________-

*le sigh* i need a new computer, but then how long have i been saying that...ages, i know. and what i'd like to know is why oh why hasn't gackt figured it out that he belongs with me? MEEEEEE!!! no one else. get it? good. geeeeez.....guys, i swear.

so on january 16th i'm off to germany for christmas and new years! w00t!! rock on. i can't wait. i'm hella excited. not only will i get to see my family who i haven't seen in over a year, i'll get to see my dad who's been gone for 6 months, my brother who's been gone for about 4 months and also my brand new cousin. ^_____^ she was born in july. should be tons of fun. loads of food and good company??!! i can't wait to go.

i made some new friends on gaia. please welcome moonlight_sakura (or as i like to call her, nano) and kaleidoscopegrl (who right now is just kaleido...must come up with a clever name for you too) they are my rping buddies on gaia. *luffs them* also, they are currently in JAPAN!!! the lucky beetches. ROAR! i wish i could visit you guys, i'd be there in a heartbeat. I WANT SOME NIKUMAN RIGHT NOW!!! NOWWWWW!!!!!! please?!

one day.

alright. that's enough for now. i'm getting tired, and well, nano should be returning from teaching right about now. let the rping continue!!! nya!! <333
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