Your bad luck follows you like a heart attack

Mar 31, 2005 12:30

Man my second day of skipping in a row...I really need to get going with school and stop this cuz its taking me no where

Last night was the One Tree Hill concert which was...interesting

It was steph, steff, and emily and me waiting there at the house of blues for basically two hours standing outside in the pooring rain and hail. OH it was such a marvelous time might I say. So then by the time they start letting us in after they were already 45 min late on that...we get in and on one side of us are the most annoying like jr high girls who were screaming as loud as possible shouting "i love you" over and over. It just made me relive all those Nsync memories and made me want to kill every last one of them. Sooo then on the other side were the other annoying ppl who decided to yell random shit like "Are You Pregnant?" to Michelle Branch which by the way she is. So all in all the concert was good cuz it was basically all acoustic which I absolutly love...but then when you are standing there extremely tired..hungry..around ppl you want kill...while you are wet, hot, and muggy..then it really would take the fun out of any situation.

The Florida trip is on and I am now pumped...even though it might be just me sean and joe. But at least they both are entertaining ppl and I know we will have a blast. But then I cant get too excited cuz getting excited about things just have been taken me no where lately.

Yesterday my sister Jolie had her baby at 1:17 P.M. 6 pounds 12 and a half ounces and 19 inches...his name is Amaree :)
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