Last night, I did a Google search for '
web serial Korivak' to see how much I've actually said about web serials so far (not so much, it turns out), and I found something I wasn't expecting - an archived version of
Random Thread #2864 from Rich's forum. For those that don't know or who have forgotten, #2864 was a thread that I started to cultivate a bit of light-hearted and pleasant fun in a forum that was full of tedious debates, unstable posters and aggressive flamewars, all lorded over by an overzealous admin with a bit of a tendency towards beating forumers with his ban stick.
Reading through the thread, I was transported back to a very different time in my life. I had recently finished high school, but the Shanty didn't yet exist, even though the then-future Shantyites (minus Tim and Rob) were all chatting away happily in the thread (based on content and context, the long number ending in 8887 is Psycho Sam!). It was also a time before blogs and LJ friends lists, when we all kept in touch by forum and ICQ (the actual client itself, not the protocol through third party apps like Adium).
Particularly memorable things that I hadn't thought about for a while include MissCheetah's Introduction Thread, talk about classic games (Diablo II, Final Fantasy VI, Super Monkey Ball, Super Smash Brothers...), old computers (KC, NC, Fluufly, and Tom's "laptop"), repeated references to my long-time forum sig ("I'm Joking."), Tom's job at the Passport Office and my Web Dev college course, Sock Pr0n and Tom's one-white-sock-one-black-sock thing that helped spawn it, and some griping about ICQ spam by supposed teenage girls from Brazil. And, of course, references to the Forum Access thread (also
archived), the Sanctuary forum (source of inspiration for the name of the Sanctuary Storyverse and, indirectly, the name of my LJ to this day), and the proto-Shanty's final dramatic exit from the RStefan01 forums.
Other delightful bits include BJ being, well, BJ...and me jokingly threatening to eat all of BJ's children - which isn't quite as silly or nonsensical now, talk of flying dancing Walken, a lovingly and meticulously done transposition of the entire lyrics of "Baby Got Back" including the opening banter, and a chat about jammies and a snowball fight.
On a significantly less delightful note, there's a series of post by me that absolutely drip with seething black hatred for Andie. I remember being upset when she dumped me, I remember having anxiety attacks, I remember being depressed...but apparently I've forgotten just how full of anger I was at the time. Looking back on them now, I realize that everything I said was pretty dumb and largely unfounded, but then I have a long history of saying dumb things on the topic of Andie, right up to (and most likely including) this sentence itself.
And of course, there's also plenty of NightTwit hurting us with his terrible, terrible posting, and us being mean to him in the hopes that he might stop posting, including a cute piece of ASCII art by me and the delightfully wonderful "There's no wrong way to shoot NightEye out of a cannon" posted by Tom.
Good times.
It's sort of like reading an old journal, and makes me wish that I was a bit more diligent about actually keeping one (I've had a couple of runs that each lasted for a year or so, but never kept it up consistently). Also, since I keep in touch with many of the same friends now that I did then, I figured I should mention my serendipitous find here so that the other #2864ers can see it too.