Feb 26, 2008 14:19
Hear ye! Hear ye!
His Royal Highness the King of the May and Her Royal Highness the
Queen of the May
Cordially invite you to an Ostara Ritual at Sunflower River.
On March 23th at 1pm in the light of the day,
the May Royalty will celebrate the awakening of the Mother Earth and the Father Sun restored with planting of young trees.
The awakening and restoration will be followed by revelry in food, song, drums and drink.
What to Bring:
Yourself in proper attire for an outdoor ritual.
Some libation and consumable to share.
Music makers of all kinds.
A friend or few (but let us know approximately how many are attending)
When to Bring:
Any time after 1pm you are most welcome to present at Sunflower River.
The ritual will take place at 2 pm followed by feasting, dancing and sharing of music.
Where to Bring:
Sunflower River - post a comment if you need directions.
Why to Bring:
Because The May Royals request your presence for this auspicious occasion.
Blessings of The May upon you.
Humbly - The Royal Scribe of the May.