Apr 09, 2006 02:08
why.. after almost a month of not talking to me and making rude gestures to me in game.. did he decided to start talking to me and say this...
Shaun: hey
Jadey: hi
Shaun: how are you
Jadey: ok i guess
Shaun: you guess?
Jadey: yeah i guess
Shaun: why just guess
Jadey: cuz i'm not totally sure how i am lately
Shaun: i kinda missed you today
Jadey: kinda?
Shaun: yup
Jadey: why kinda?
Shaun: cuz kinda makes it sound less desperate yet still makes it sound like it mattered
Jadey: i thought you hated me
Shaun: i hate that you dicked me over... but i love you
Jadey: i sent you the money, i cant help it that it didnt get to you
Shaun: it didnt come... and it messed alot of things up.. and im not happy about it
Shaun: u in eq?
Jadey: no
Shaun: eqim?
Jadey: noone was on so i logged off
Jadey: nope
Shaun: can you eqim gogart for me
Jadey: heh if he'll talk to me
Shaun: sign on vlailaa
Shaun: ;p
Jadey: what should i say?
Shaun: say rave says to use 2x xp
Shaun: lol youd laugh at what happened in the only hour i was in eq today
Jadey: what happened?
Jadey: drag dye ya pink and name you thepinkwonder again?
Shaun: i mad some comments to an officer... and they admitted to being gay
Jadey: lol
Shaun: also.. in that hour i got 4 mds and 3 draks scale
Shaun: /gui er hide
Jadey: nice
Shaun: hows euphoria
Jadey: its ok
Shaun: they suck?
Jadey: they officially killed my dragon faction
Jadey: i had a good laugh when they tried thuuli
Shaun: they even killed him yet?
Jadey: no
Jadey: they lack the numbers to kill him
Shaun: they try vulak?
Jadey: dont think they even got him despawned the first time
Shaun: how many they trying with
Jadey: first time they had like 26 or so, but they were just exploring
Jadey: when i went they had like 40
Shaun: lol cant explore
Jadey: lack of healers killed raid
Shaun: zuuli prevents
Jadey: yeah
Jadey: they begged me for strats when they were "exploring" and spawned him
Shaun: what you tell him?
Jadey: said not to die to the DT
Shaun: hah
Shaun: tell them how to do it... just dont tell them where to pin him
Shaun: that corner is copyrighted
Jadey: i was in SR still when they asked so i didnt say anything
Shaun: wow euphoria down to low 40's
Jadey: they doing a fire raid, at least they were when i logged in
Shaun: ...
Shaun: that would mean they are falling apart ;p
Jadey: nah
Jadey: they were just havin fun
Shaun: what have they killed worth mentioning
Shaun: can they still clear coa
Jadey: yeah
Jadey: coa, tacvi (not that its hard), dragons in PoR
Shaun: still play rogue?
Jadey: yeah
Shaun: what lvl now
Jadey: 68
Shaun: nice
Jadey: hows your job going?
Shaun: i quit... they werent paying me
Jadey: whats with jobs and not payin ya?
Shaun: i was only allowed to sell when it was busy
Jadey: at least people hire you
Shaun: isnt hard
Shaun: u a member yet/
Jadey: no
Shaun: any new loot?
Jadey: mask and earring
Shaun: rave got alot of new stuff... he is ahead of xinten now
Jadey: cool
Shaun: im leaving SR
Jadey: why?
Shaun: i want to start a guild
Shaun: ive barely been playing :(
Shaun: it isnt the same without you
Jadey: how isnt the same?
Shaun: not sure
Jadey: i doubt SR would take me back if i wanted to go back