So sad to see it go

Dec 19, 2008 09:35

I am really mad at abc.They are cancelling Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone.That only leaves Lost that I watch on abc.When USA cancelled The 4400 I stopped watching Monk (also becuz it has gotten stupid).I was mad at Fox for ending Drive.I guess I am just really getting tired of my shows getting cancelled.I read recently somewhere that Dirt on FX was cancelled.I think I just needed to rant a little bit.So here is what shows I love....House MD,Nip/Tuck,Bones,American Dad,Family Guy,King Of The Hill,The Simpsons,Dirt,The Dresden Files,The Riches,The 4400,Burn Notice,PLain Site,Lost,The Ex List,Ghost Whisper,Raines,Drive,Pushing Daisies,Eli Stone.The ones that are cancelled out of the list are....Dirt,Raines,The Ex LIst,Drive,Pushing Daisies,Eli Stone,The 4400,The Dresden Files.

Ok I think for now I am done ranting.


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