Fic: Death On the Water (Lita/Christian, R, 1/?)

Mar 24, 2007 11:22

Fic: Death On The Water
Author: And/Kori posted as Koriandor
Parings: Lita/Christian, Edge/Victoria, Lilian/Jericho, Batista/Trish, Cena/Stacy, Randy/? Others
Rating: R
Category: AU
Disclaimer: We own nothing.
Spoilers: No Way
Warnings: Multiple character death, strong language. Anything else and we’ll let you know.
Summary: When two special agents go undercover, it's love and death on the high seas.
Notes: Using real names for the most part. Pretending Christian Cage is his real name for plot purposes.

Amy Dumas pushed open the door of the field office of the FBI on West Gray Street in Tampa. It was her first day since transferring from the Jacksonville office. It didn’t take her long to find the office of the Special Agent in Charge, one Vincent Kennedy McMahon. The redhead knocked at the door, entering only when she’d been instructed to do so.

“Ms. Dumas, it’s good to see you again,” he said as she approached the desk, “Please take a seat.”

“Thank you, sir. It’s good to see you again too,” Amy replied before sitting as she’d been instructed.

“I hate to throw you straight into the deep end but we have a case for you. It’s going to involve you going under cover too for maybe up to a month,” McMahon explained.

Amy nodded slowly, “Can I have a look at the file?”

“Of course.” He pushed a brown, square cut folder across the desk.

She opened the folder and began spreading the contents out in front of her. The contents being several photos which Amy assumed were all murder victims. The first one was a blonde female. The profile paper clipped to the photo informed her that the blonde’s name was Ashley Massaro and she’d been found with her throat slit by her new husband of only a week whilst on a honeymoon cruise. The redhead tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before putting down the picture and picking up the next one. This was another female by the name of Maria Kanellis. Once again Amy examined the profile, discovering that Maria had been killed on the day after Ashley and she’d had her throat cut too. The next picture caught her attention the most because it was a male victim. He’d been murdered on a different date than the previous too but had again had his throat cut. After doing a double take when she read his name, Amy looked up at the man sitting opposite her, “Montel Vontavious Porter? That can’t be his real name can it?”

“I’m afraid so.”

Amy shook her head before picking up the final photo from the desk. This victim was again a man. According to the profile, his name was Scott Steiner. Like the previous three, he’d been murdered on his honeymoon. His new bride having the misfortune of finding him dead in their cabin with his throat cut. After placing the photos back into the folder, she turned her attention back to her new boss. “Looks like we’ve got a serial murderer on our hands. So, what’s the assignment?”

“The Regent Seven Seas cruise company runs three of their special “Newlywed” cruises a year. So far, there has been two murders on each one. We’d like you to investigate and find out who’s doing it before there’s another one.”

“Understood. What’s my cover? Am I going to be a staff member on the cruise?”

“Not exactly. I’ll explain in just a moment, I just need to make a quick call.” He picked up his telephone, dialling an extension, “Mr. Cage, can you come to my office right now?” Not waiting for a response, he replaced the handset.

Seconds later there was a knock at the door, a blond man appearing after being told to enter, “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes, Christian, take a seat next to Ms. Dumas.”

Christian did as he was instructed, waiting for the boss to speak again.

“Ms. Dumas this is Mr. Cage. He will be going undercover with your for the assignment. He’ll be playing the role of your husband.”

“He’ll be what?” Amy asked in disbelief.

“He’ll be playing the role of your husband. It’s been decided that this cover is the best way for you to be able to investigate the case. I happen to agree. If you don’t like it, you know where the door is.”

“How long is this assignment for?” Christian asked.

“About a month depending on what happens on the cruise itself.” Vince replied.

Amy made a face, “I have a question. How are we supposed to be newlyweds when we don’t even know anything about each other?”

The boss opened one of his desk drawer and pulled out two large white envelopes. “Details of your covers are inside. You leave for the cruise in two days, I suggest you use the time wisely to get to know each other. You are both dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.” Amy and Christian replied at the same time. Both standing and accepting their respective envelopes from Mr. McMahon. They didn’t speak again until they were out of the office.

Amy shook her head, “I can’t believe this … Is he always like that?”

Christian shrugged, “McMahon? Pretty much. You’ll get used to it. So, are you fresh out of the academy?”

The redhead rolled her eyes, “No, I just transferred here from Jacksonville. What makes you think I’m fresh from the academy?”

“Gee, I was just asking, no need to bite my head off.”

She placed her hands on her hips, “And I really don’t like your tone. For your information, I graduated from the academy five years ago … top of my class.” Without waiting from him to reply she walked off, heading towards some desks located in the middle of the open plan main office.

“Touchy subject, touchy subject,” Christian muttered behind her.

As Amy approached the desks, a petite blonde woman stood up, “Hi, you must be Amy. I’m Lilian. Sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived, I got stuck in traffic.”

Amy waved it off, “Don’t worry about it.” She extended her for Lilian to shake, which she did, “Pleased to meet you Lilian. It’s a pity the same can’t be said for some of the other people around here.”

Lilian raised an eyebrow, “You mean Christian?”

Amy nodded.

“He’s actually a pretty decent guy when you get to know him. He’s saved my ass on a couple of occasions before now. He just has the tendency to rub people up the wrong way.”

The two glanced towards the blond man they were talking about who was currently sat at a desk reading the information he’d just been given by McMahon. As if sensing he was being watched he looked up, “Do you two ladies want a picture? They last longer.”

“In your dreams,” Lilian replied. “Come on, Amy, I’ll show you to your desk … which happens to be right next to his.”

“Oh fabulous,” Amy muttered.

Once Amy was settled at her desk, Lilian had gone to speak to one of the co-workers about a case they’d been working on, leaving Amy to look over the details of her cover. So far, she was not liking what she was reading. Her name for the assignment was going to be Lolita Reso, the recently married wife of one Jason Reso, a corporate yuppie that seemed to have more money than sense.

After looking over further details about the small things like their fake home and pets, Amy re-read the background information on the case ... The redhead just starting to take some notes on it when a set of distinctly male hands settled upon her desk.

"If you value your appendages, you won't do that again."

"Look, doll, we have two days to get to know each other and become happy newlyweds."

"Thank you Captain Obvious for pointing that out," Amy arched an eyebrow at the blond man. "Was there something important you had to say or are you just standing there to help your circulation?"

Christian shook his head, "For starters, Mrs. Reso--"

Amy snorted, "I don't think so, pal. We aren't happy newlyweds until we set foot on that cruise ship. So until then? It's Ms. Dumas or Amy to you."

He crossed his arms, "Are you always this difficult or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"That's for me to know," Amy moved from her chair, "But I suppose we should get to know each other better ..."


"That sounds good ... And it will give me the chance to see what kind of eater you are."

Christian made a face, "What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

Amy rolled her eyes, "Duh. If we're happy newlyweds, we need to work in the stupid little romantic quirks. All of the lovey dovey crap."

The blond man smirked suddenly, "Well since you won't let me call you Mrs. Reso yet ... Let's go have some lunch ... Pookie."

Amy smirked, glancing quickly through the case information before she glanced back up to him. "That sounds lovely... Jay Jay Bear."

“Jay Jay Bear?

“It’s your new pet name.”

“Where in the file does it say my pet name is Jay Jay Bear?”

Amy pointed to a blank page, “Right here, next to where is says my pet name is Pookie.”

“Oh touché!”

A moment of awkward silence fell between them, Christian just opening his mouth to say something when his stomach growled loudly ... Amy taking that as a hint that they should get going and get this lunch over with.

death, lita/christian fic

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