Fic: Death On The Water (Lita/Christian, R, 3/?)

Apr 10, 2007 17:17

Fic: Death On The Water
Author: And/Kori posted as Koriandor
Parings: Lita/Christian, Edge/Victoria, Lilian/Jericho, Batista/Trish, Cena/Stacy, Randy/? Others
Rating: R
Category: AU
Disclaimer: We own nothing.
Spoilers: No Way
Warnings: Multiple character death, strong language. Anything else and we’ll let you know.
Summary: When two special agents go undercover, it's love and death on the high seas.
Notes: Using real names for the most part. Pretending Christian Cage is his real name for plot purposes.

Unfortunately for Chris, Amy and Christian had been arguing on and off all afternoon so he’d lost the bet and had to take Lilian out to dinner. Not that he really minded at all, he enjoyed Lilian’s company a lot. What he hadn’t enjoyed however, was that the subjects of the bet actually joining them for dinner. It had been a disaster, the blond man and the redheaded woman had bickered their way through the entire meal.

Chris had hoped that they would have gotten it all out of their system ... Lilian pointing out, after Christian and Amy had been dropped off anyway, that it just wasn't going to happen. And when Chris had dared to ask why, he had nearly crashed the car. Still, Chris wanted to remain optimistic as they all met up at the office the next morning. Amy was currently out getting coffee; Lilian, Chris and Christian talking about the upcoming case until she got back.

Christian watched as Amy returned with only three coffees, he raised an eyebrow, “Where’s mine?”

“Did you hear something?”

Christian rolled his eyes, “You asked everyone if they wanted coffee, I said yes and --“

The redhead smirked, “I'm sorry, my selective hearing must have kicked in again.”

“ I'm sure that's it... I know full well that you heard me, you were standing right next to me.”

“Not by any choice, mind you.”

Chris raised his hand to silence them, “You two ... Last night at dinner, I should have asked for a children’s menu. You made fools of yourselves, me and Lilian.”

"I didn't do anything, it was his fault." Amy removed the lid from the paper cup, gently blowing on the hot liquid. "He was the one who decided it was necessary to pour salt all over my food."

"And you put pepper in my iced water."

"You were the one who--"

"Please!" Chris gritted his teeth, glancing between the bickering pair. "You're lucky McMahon isn't here yet to witness this childish display."

Whilst Amy's attention was distracted, Christian took the opportunity to snatch Amy's coffee downing the contents in one, "Thank you very much, waitress. I'll leave a tip on the way out."

Amy seethed, "You inconsiderate, self absorbed, ill mannered, pig."

"You've only got yourself to blame, if you'd got me coffee in the first place like I asked, none of this would have happened."

“I’ve had about enough of this. If you two can’t be civil then just don’t speak at all. Got it?”

Christian made a face, mocking Jericho behind his back.

Amy merely shrugged to Chris' suggestion, but took it to heart anyway ... The redhead heading back to her desk to carry on with the morning. It didn't take much longer before Christian was also at his desk; Chris and Lilian observing the two for a moment before they also seated themselves. Unfortunately, the peace and quiet would only last for fifteen moments longer... Amy getting a few things together when she noticed something missing from her desk, “Lilian, could you please ask Mr. Cage if he's done using my stapler?”

Christian smirked, “Lilian, could you please inform Ms. Dumas that it's my stapler? And I'll be done with it, when I'm done with it.”

“I should just staple your mouth shut,” Amy muttered.

“Don't even think about it, Red.”

“Like a staple could keep your trap shut anyways. And don’t call me, Red.”

Lilian sighed, locking eyes with Chris, the two turning their attention to the main clock on the office wall to check if it was lunch time. Unfortunately, for them only half an hour had passed since work had started.

Suddenly the phone rang, Chris and Lilian both driving to answer the call. The petite blonde just beating her partner to it. And while the phone call really could have been handled only by Lilian, she informed the caller that she would take this on speaker in one of the conference rooms ... Chris making a hasty retreat with her, leaving Amy and Christian to their own means.

Once Lilian and Chris had departed, Amy took the opportunity to look up Christian’s work cell phone number on her computer. After making sure he wasn’t watching her, she removed her own cell phone from her purse, quickly typing out a message. Without a second thought she keyed in his number and hit send.

Within seconds Christian’s cell phone beeped, he glanced at the screen, pressing the read message button after not recognising the number. It only took him a matter of seconds to realise who had sent the message which read, ‘I hate you Jay Jay Bear.’ He smirked before typing out his reply, ‘I hate you too, Pookie!’

Amy rolled her eyes at the display screen, sneaking a quick glance over to Christian before typing her reply of 'It's men like you that keep women single'

Christian sat back at his desk, kicking his feet up as he waited for the reply ... An eyebrow arching at the screen ... 'One night is all it would take.'

The redhead made a face as she read the newest message, turning towards him to make a gagging motion. Quickly scribbling on a piece of paper 'You wish. One night is all it would take to turn anyone celibate.'

The blond man shook his head as the piece of paper was shoved on his desk, 'And you act like you're God's gift to men. Trust me, Princess, you aren't anything special.'

Amy plucked the piece of paper from the edge of her desk, rolling her eyes once more after she'd read his reply. 'And if you think you're God's gift to women? Please. You disgust me.'

Christian reached for the piece of paper, smirking at her before he wrote 'Pookie, I am God. Just worship me and deal with it.'

Rather then writing out a reply, Amy crumpled the piece of paper up into a ball ... Tossing it at his head, "You are so self centred. Seriously, your head must be so far up your own ass that you could see that little pea sized brain of yours."

"There is nothing little about me." He made to stand, "Would you like to see?"

"And scar me for life? No thank you, I'll pass."

"You know it would be one of the most memorable moments of your life."

"And it would also lead to a lifetime of therapy."

"So you do want me then? Don't you feel better now, having admitted to that?"

"I'll feel better when you--" Amy cut herself off when the door to McMahon's office was swung open … McMahon had been observing the scene with some mild amusement but ... This wasn't what he was hoping for, their boss waiting for a moment before approaching the pair, "And just what were the two of you doing?”

Amy shook her head, “We were just conducting some background research for the case.”

Vince looked sceptical, “I see. In light of yesterday afternoon's events, I had felt it necessary to see how the two of you were coming along with your assignment.”

They both blinked, Christian answering first, “But we haven't left yet, sir.”

“I'm aware of that Mr. Cage if you would like to both step into my office for a moment.” The pair followed their boss without hesitation, Vince waiting until the door was closed before speaking again, “And now a demonstration if you please.”

Christian waited a moment before suddenly pulling her close to him, “Have I ever told you how earth shatteringly beautiful you are?”

The redhead smiled, casting him a look, “Not in the last hour, babe.”

Gently he reached out and touched her chin, leaning in to kiss her softly.

Mr. McMahon cleaned his throat, “Okay, I think I’ve seen quite enough, thank you. You may leave now.”

Amy nodded, “Yes sir.” She and Jay leaving the office still hand in hand.

“Get your hand off of me!”

Christian released her hand as if he’d been burned, “Like I really wanted to touch you.”

Amy glared at him, “How dare you kiss me!”

The blond man smirked, “You liked it and you know it.” He just managed to catch her wrist before she could slap him. “Come now, Pookie... We've just convinced Mr. McMahon that we can handle this case.”

“And that's the only reason you're still in one piece right now, you cocky bastard.”

He started to walk away, “But that still doesn’t change the fact you liked it.”

“Argh, could you be anymore annoying?”

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, “I dunno, but for you I’ll try.”


death, lita/christian fic

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