Nov 21, 2005 17:25
I hope everyone feels the same.
I got up on time, dressed, readied, &c., and arrived at school 'round eight-thirty. Sat around 'til nine or so, when Laurie deigned to notice me and let me register for classes, and look at last trimester's evaluations and whatnot. GREAT EVALUATIONS -- WONDERFUL COMMENTS. Even from Erin. :XD: Then, I GOT ALL THE CLASSES I WANTED. One of these was Physics, which I had to switch into with the specific permission of Steve, the math teacher [and pope.], whom Laurie [my advisor.] told me had said no one could get. SO I'M SPECIAL. :D
Then I sat around and talked to Lana for a while before I went to Pawtucket for my driving test, to get my provisional license. This would allow me to drive on my own, except during the hours of 1 and 5 am, at which time I could only be on the road if going to/from work. :XD: That doesn't matter. :XD: What matters is that I PASSED MY TEST WITH A 100 -- TWO POINTS HIGHER THAN MY MOTHER. That matters, because she's always snubbed me over it. :D But now I've got her back by two points! We're going out to eat tomorrow night to celebrate. :D
After getting my license picture [which actually looks NOT TERRIBLE.] we went to RIC, where me mum goes to college. From there, I drove to the Johnston BOA [some of you may know how hard it is to get there in the middle of rush hour -- the rest...well, it's difficult. you have to cross FOUR LANES OF TRAFFIC.] to finish setting up my checking and savings accounts, which are now linked for Overdraft Protection or whatever. :D
From there, I drove to SMITHFIELD and bought/ate lunch BY MYSELF. Then I drove back to RIC to wait for me mum. Now, this eating/driving/&c. may not seem like much -- but to me, it is. It's one of those steps in which I further myeslf as a young adult. It's important. We like it. :D
Anyhoo, I drive home, and arrive to find -- A PACKAGE. FROM KANSAS. AISHITEIRU, FUTAGO! :glomp: It has this KICKASS coat I'm still wearing, and all of the original Naruto episodes! Plus some music videos. And this awesome book! It's so great! I love it to death! :glomp: As soon as I get my DVD Player, these are all going in! Plus Wolf's Rain, and whatever else I decide to watch. :D But Naruto first! :D Thank you!
So, all in all, a great day. :D Nothing BAD about it -- just a lot of good! Even waiting at the DMV wasn't too bad, since there was this really nice guy in front of us who we started a conversation with. :D There was just a lot of coolness going around. And I may borrow some cash from my 'rents to go see Harry Potter tomorrow whilst me mum works. :D I've heard EVERYONE is sexy -- even Viktor Krum. :XD:
and so on x and so forth... = <333
I love myself sometimes. :D