May 08, 2004 06:46
i can't decide if i wanna go to sleep or get money out of the bank and go thrifting and art supply shopping, my tummy suddenly hurts really bad so i think i'm gonna opt for sleep...
i really want a comanation mp3 player/electronic dictionary, but i'm not sure if such a creature exists, it would be perfect for school tho.
tomorrow i'm gonna go swap meet, if i can manage to drag myself out of bed at a decent hour. must get books and a new 669 camera... i got some zines and magazines on thursday but i finished them all last night...
longs apparently will put borders on yer prints if you ask them too, which is pretty darn cool, they also have 'matte' paper which would be cool, except it's not matte, it's actually not even pearl, even calling is semi gloss is borderline, in short it's pretty fucking glossy still it kinda has a weird texture to it tho so i'm getting it anyway, but um, yay for borders i guess, plus you all read my tirade about never going to wal mart ever agian, proclaming 'you just lost yerself a customer' over the loud clammer of cash regesters and cash flowing in, their response 'sure you can use it'
if i don't go to sleep right now i'm going to force myself to sew some cute summer clothes, which means i will in turn be going to bed immediatly after i post this.
oh yeh the high light of my day was when i stole a rock i found on the ground out side the liquor store across felton from lestats, i stole it cause it had weird indentations in it and i was like wtf that rocks got holes, so i was like carring it around at lestats and shit, and got it home, and thats when i noticed some one had written compassion on it, so it's even cooler than i thought it was! yeh! rock!
i simply must get my spray paint back from my mum, she stole it cause she thought i was huffin' it, which i wasn't, and she's like well what do you use it for and i said 'defaceing public property with crude effigies of happy robots in love' she looked at me for a while and said, 'well thats not good either' 'so can i have it back' 'no' so yeh i'm gonna try agian explaining to her i simply need to paint my boat, and how it is a fine sea going vessle if ever i saw one. adding an 'arrrr' merly for effect of course.
i love when i paint my nails and then begin rubbing them only moments later to 'see if their dry yet' which of course, they never are.
oh yeh also today i set off my smoke ditector which i didn't know i have, considering how many types of smoke have been in this damn appartment, apparently it only reacts to accedental ignation of kicthen trash recepticals, it was at this point thrown out the window due to my inablity to imedately cease it's infernal warnings about sed fire, i fucking know it's on fire, i can see it, the beeping is just compounding my problem.
wow this started out as a short ass entry, i did the current music thing and then i remembered about longs and the rock, and it all just blew up from there, sorry i seem to be incapable of making short to the point entrys.