Wow, the results are seperated only by a 1 point difference. and the votes were pretty much concentrated on a few icons this week.
Somehow the icon table generator I always use isn't working for me =(
First Place
great texture use!
memory19 Second Place
congrats on your double win! ^^
memory19 Third Place
I love the uniqueness! <3
kapalinajay Mod's Choice
I love the composition and the colouring is great as well as the texture use. And your brushwork is lovely as usual! =D
porvora Congrats you guys! I'm glad there are people who still tried out this strange theme with beautiful results to boot!
[EDIT] Whoops, totally forgot about the font use:
1- gyuri/arron (taiwanese) MS reference serif
2- se7en/kumi (japanese) MS reference serif
3- BoA Kwon & Utada Hikaru (Japanese)
4- Li Jun Ki & Aiba Hiroki
Banner maker this week is
anestel! ^_^
We have some really hot icons for
Challenge 25: Sexy featuring Lee Hyori so far, but let's get more sexy in yeah? =P