You're allowed to submit a prompt from the 1st october to 15th october." />Prompting is open from October 1st to October 15th. Submit your prompt at
Now rules for prompting :(yeah, yeah I know more rules)
→ You're allowed to prompt with any fandom, any pairings, as long as it's from the korean entertainement, (Kpop, kdrama, whatever, it's just fine with us.)
→ Crossover between fandoms is allowed!
→ You can prompt anything, any genre is just fine.
→ You can prompt with anything you want (a picture, a quote, a song, a movie, etc.) when using a video please put the link instead of embedding it. Also don't forget to warn if your video has explicit content please.If your picture does not have explicit content, it can be embbed.
→ This is a winter/christmas fest, but hey, you're allowed to prompt anything that isn't based on winter/christmas, though it'll be more fun to prompt from the actual theme right?
→ You can prompt a specific pairing, or you can just prompt with different characters (ie: pairings/characters: doojoon/junhyung or junhyung, doojoon, hyunseung, kikwang. ()
→ You can submit as many prompts as you'd like to, but only one prompt per comment please.
→ You can submit a prompt even if you're not going to claim one later.
→ To submit your prompt please use this templateUsername:
Here is an example of what submitting a prompt will look like :
Username: ks_mods
Fandom(s) Beast/Mblaq
Pairing(s)/Characcter(s): Dongwoon/Mir or Dongwoon/Anyone from Mblaq or Thunder/Anyone from Beast or Dongwoon, Junhyung, Joon, Thunder (Any pairing except Joon/Dongwoon)
Gen/Het/Slash: Slash or Gen.
Prompt: Mr X meets Mr S and blah blah or (pic here "insert link"*Warning this pic contains explicit content) or video is here "insert link"*warning this video contains explicit content* or It's christmas and blah blah blah...they have *beep* and *beep*...
Now that this is done, go ahead, Prompt and have fun!