
Mar 02, 2006 03:01

So, how hard is it to buy a book near the end of the quarter?

Objective: Native Speaker, by Chang-Rae Lee

I heard that the university bookstore (store #1) was sold out of a book I needed for my english class. So I was just like, "okay, I'll just go to the UV bookstore and buy it there." I go into the UV bookstore (store #2) with my friend, who's also in my enlgish class, only to find that they were sold out. I say hi to my friend, "hi Dannielle!" and leave with a hope that Borders or Barnes and Noble will have what I'm looking for. Lovely!

The next store I go to is the University exchange (store #3). It's pretty much a given that they won't have it, but hey, it doesn't hurt to check! We drive there and, "sorry, we're sold out." "Oh, okay!" Next stop, Borders (store #4)! I drive down to Borders, only to find that they don't have the book either! Yay! "Okay, I'm sure Barnes and Noble will have it. They usually have a wide variety of books anyways." So we go to the Barnes and Noble (store #5) near Tyler and ask if they have the book. They don't have it either. They offer to call up the small bookstore that's inside the mall (store #6) to see if they have it. They ran out too. Wow, this book sure is popular!

"Sorry guys, we can check to see if we can get a shipment in within the next 8-10 business days."
"Umm, no. We need it pretty soon."
"Okay then. We can check some of our other stores. We have one in Corona and one in Redlands."
"Oh, okay. Do you think you can check the one in Redlands for us?"

After a long wait, they tell me that they have one book that they can put on hold for me. Just one. We need two. Okay, I guess we can share. So I get in my car and drive to Redlands to get that damn book. We make it to the Redlands Barnes and Noble (lucky store #7!) in one piece after trying to decipher the impossible code that are the Barnes and Noble directions (Don't ever use their directions, it's worse than mapquest.) and go to get my book! I ask if they would have another copy by any chance. They say they only have one, but to check the shelves just in case there's one hiding there. Oh, okay!!!! We go over to the shelf and check! Yay! They have one last copy sitting there! Huzzah!!! With one book each, we go and celebrate by buying some coffee at a local starbucks. Yum.

The moral of the story is: BUY YOUR BOOKS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE QUARTER :D But you already knew that. ^___^

Also, I am sick and I feel yucky. But, it's all good! I'm actually in a pretty darn good mood, regardless of the fact that I'm really sick and had to drive for hours today! ^___^ I was very pleasant with all the bookstore people, too! (Not being sarcastic, I swear!)

The End.
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