Somethings just never change

Oct 18, 2010 22:10

10 years later nothing has changed, I still can not do cartwheels.
No matter how hard I try, halfway through, I always end up crumpled in a moaning heap on the ground (much to the amusement of my co-workers)
After an exhaustive analysis conducted by my assembly of advisers, my arm muscles were deemed inadequate (read: were compared to marshmallows).... It was then decided that I was to do push-ups  surrounded by a mob of schoolchildren screaming "more, more, more !!!" until the end of playtime.

but you know what, I don't mind, since I started working at the daycare 3 weeks ago I have lost 5 pounds, and my skip-roping/basketball/damage control skills have improved drastically. Not to mention the fact I get paid mega bucks to basically relive my early childhood.

Anyways, I'm off to practice my cartwheels in private, so have a great day.
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