filling out scholarship forms is fun, really...

Feb 23, 2010 12:24

I need help. Any ideas on how to answer the following questions would be much appreciated.

Why is it so important that I study in french?
I love languages doesn't quite work, I need more details.

Does being an exchange student count as a contribuation to the francophonie? Actually what would be a contribuation to french culture period? Something like student council?

Do I have a registered eduacation plan? I amsuming the fact I have no clue what that is means I don't.

"Expected finacial support from your parents/guardian/spouse" ..... ???, I don't know, not even going to venture a guess because it's probabably going to be the opposite of what ever I say. Then people will get offended because they think I think they a) will be my ATM machine or b) don't care about me. So I will let them decide then accept their decision whether it be ion my favour or not.

Seriously though if I manage to get even one or two of the 5 scholarships I am currently applying for I will be mostly set for the first year of University. Then the others should kinda take care of themselves as I applied to the Co-Op program (Paid Work Experience). So by my rather vague calculations, if I manage to find a lame job serving coffee or clearing tables to cover basic day to day expenses I should leave University with a manageable debt load that I could pay off within 2 or 3 year of leaving University assuming that I can find a job that uses my degree. If I just work the summers the debt load becomes a more evil, but not super scary and/or huge (a good $7000 below the horror stories one read about in the papers)
My estimates average the cost to be anywhere from $14 000 to $17 000 per year including all living expenses and books.
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