Jan 17, 2006 10:43
Crazy weekend in Rochester to Celebrate Rachelle & Joe's engagement and of Course MLK...After the car ride up with Dave and Jason who are lots of fun we went to dibellas where i expouneded on civil unions and Nuts followed by a night of being the creepy guy magnet at Oxfords First there was too young guy who told me to "Have a nice life...oh wait that was mean"
and then there was FREAKISHLY HAIR CHEST GUY who told me he was an Exotic Dancer and opted to shake his hairy chest at me repeatedy....It gets worse though I actually said to him...You need to stop doing that because you make me want to throw up in my mouth...and his response was..."Nooooo Its Not that Bad" YES DUDE IT FUCKING IS You have hair which could rival a chia pet and further more poor gold jesus on hanging around your neck is being Smothered by your massive furry chest carpet...He finally took the hint and left us alone after i passed jason off as my boyfriend, and a short girl with very large boobs caught his eye...It was creepy...the best part of it was that his name was Geoffrey and he pronounced it GE-off-frey so id get it was with a g...haha it was TERRIBLE almots as bad as the fat wonky toothed girl with no bra who requested to belly up to the bar next to dave and left her weird floppy boob on his arm for like 15 minutes...haha...oxfords has gone down hill....
Ill have to post about the bar fight that occured sat night later i have to go babysit! awesome