After tonights game at my brother's house, as
wiredforsound and I were talking outside, getting ready to leave, the cutest little kitten wandered up. It was Orange with lighter orange stripes. It hung around for a bit, and as a car was coming by I called it over, to make sure it didn't get squished. And since it was being so friendly and nuzzling
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The reason I didn't give money to the 700 Club is because it would have just been dead money after everything was said and done. The people of the Gulf don't need newly printed bibles, shiny new sixteen-story missionaries or "good, wholesome Christian programing". They need food, they need water, they need medicine, they need blood and they need shelter, along with thousands of other things that Pat Robertson simply wouldn't give to them if he had a gun to his head. Why, you ask, would I do the things I did this morning with another organization, as opposed to the 700 Club? Because I know exactly where the food and blood we donated this morning is going. Because I know that the money drives that will be operational at school will be funding these nessecities as opposed to funding Pat Robertson's new Jaguar.
So, Pat Robertson, go ahead and call me a godless, coldhearted son of a bitch. I've been called worse by people whose opinions I actually respect, who have been telling me the truth. Spend the money to get a new satellite launched with your name written on it to send out the Word of God to locations around the world that don't have the luxury or need of television while these people starve to death. Call for the assassination of world leaders while calling people who have no other means of getting the things they need "savages" because they broke into a grocery store. Feel free to call the 9/11 attacks "God's Punishment" for America's "acceptance" of homosexuality while you preach of a God who loves any and all, as long as they hold him more dear than their own children, and send him a steady flow of cash every week. Call yourself a decent, god-fearing man while you turn a cold shoulder to people because they happened to be born outside of US borders, that being the 8th deadly sin, and all. Above all else, fuck you, Mr. Robertson. If you had a quarter of the decency you spend millions of dollars telling the world you have, we wouldn't have problems like hunger, racism or disease.
But if you disagree with me, send your money anyway. Send those 2 dollar bills grandma gave you all those years ago so you can tell people you gave something without the burden of giving a damn in the first place. When you can look at yourself in the mirror and say honestly that you did something for someone else in need without there being anything in it for you, then you can call me any name you wish. As a matter of fact, call me any name you can think of now, because I really don't care what any of you have to say, think or feel about who I am. I'm a person who did a hell of alot more than you did in the space of three hours than you did all day.
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