A.W.A. Anti Wolf Association

Dec 12, 2005 17:32

The A.W.A. (Anti Wolf Association) was a society built of scientist and military reinforcements. These people were led by Dr.Phebious Archerbald Lecture. In search of wolves to kill for a better place to live, scientist found a injured wolven named Reidou-Ookami. Okami was their first experimentation with the wolf species. The first documentation of experimentation was the microchip implanted in Reidou-Ookami's skull, this was the first change from wolf to W.O.M.D.. Later Reidou-Ookami or W.O.M.D. was deemed failure due to her lack of sanity from the brain wave. She was later disected to be experminted on to find the cause of malfunction. Diagnosis proved she was scarred in the brain causing internal bleeding to the head, this proved loss of sanity and was considered case closed. Later documentations found a new beggining with a wolf deemed Ankoku, he was their best experimentation yet. He proved to have sanity but was considered to powerful to harness. Making him the next failure to comply in the series of W.O.M.D.. A female replica was made of the wolf W.O.M.D. 2 to start fresh, although she showed signs of sanity. The sanity was lost within a weeks period. She went awall after the first experimentation in which case she ate the first sergant leaving Dr.phebious himself safe. Futher documentation was to be made once military inforcements infultrated W.O.M.D. 3.

Realize the only power actually given to Ookami was the ability to tranform into a larger wolf and track down any wolf with the data given to the microchip which holds every wolf found on record. Now that I feel totally scientific I will let you folks read my journal.
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