...This is probably going to sound ridiculous. Whatever.
Today, I fell and hit my head. As a result, it seems I have... lost some of my memories. More specifically, the last thing I remember I was in England -- last August.
I'm fully convinced this is merely a temporary state, but nevertheless, if there is anything I should know about any of you that I did not know before my arrival at this... camp, this is your chance to say so. Don't be pathetic enough to try to lie, though. I can deduce something from all these entries, and I've concluded Kite's reliable enough that I can trust him to tell me if someone tries to lie. So, if I've come to know you, beaten you in tennis, killed your parents or whatever during last winter -- tell me here, unless you'd rather not have me know.
And if anyone thinks this is a joke -- please. Do you really think I'd make such an idiotic claim just on a lark?
(OOC: For details, see the log