Feb 25, 2006 18:39
those forty-five minutes changed my life.
in other news...
a) josh comes home in twelve days, thank god
b) i'm in the process of finding an apartment for the summer, yay for independence
c) bennie and i have decided to spend six days in hungary during spring break... did you know that budapest is actually two cities? buda and pest. way to be a typical self-centered naive american, kaitlin. america, FUCK YEAH! coming again, to save the mother fucking day, yeah!
d) i get to see emily in three hours. be jealous.
e) i stopped taking effexor for a week and a half, thinking i no longer needed it to be happy. but then my anxiety said "i'm baaaaack biatch! let's kick it old school style, home slice" so i went to the pharmacy.
happy birthday cak!!! i loooove you.