For those of you that use bit torrents for movies and games (which might I add is very much so illegal and i suggest you be a law abiding citizen like i am)
go to and sign up for an account asap before they close registration again.
it might not look like much at first but it has a lot the newest movies (us and nonus) as they come out in cam, ts, tc, and/or dvd. (sooner then public trackers too)as well as old movies laying around, such as a lot of IMDB top 250 movies, someone had uploaded a bunch of trilogies month or so ago, and someone just uploaded a ton of disney cartoons. and speed for new things is garanteed to be 350 kb at least.
downside is that you have to upload and keep basically a 1:1 ratio. you can close old torrents after running it for 5 days tho. and when ur new theres a wait time on new torrents before u can dl (6 hours but comes to zero pretty fast)
um.. i suggest reading through the faqs and the rules.. the site require specific bit torrent clients. and dont make multiple accounts. dont let anyone use ur acct. seed 1:1 when you can. keep your ratio up.