Jan 31, 2005 22:34
its been one of those days. i almost got in a fight with a friend cuz let an asshole get on my nerves. it wouldn,t be that much of a problem if the coaches would do something, but hey, zno is the fuckin golden boy, you can't tell him shit. i think he's the only person that if he broke his leg, it would bring a smile to my face.
parents don't help much, my dad yells at me because i have a bad attitude. my mom tries to tell me that when my dad yells its because thats the only way he knows how to express himself. atleast my sister is gonna save me from this bullshit this weekend, i've never wanted to go to a parade so much in my life...
my dad got his new truck now and i get the old one. the only bad thing is that the things i wanna buy to make my truck look better are "too expensive." my dad wants to be fuckin cheap as usual. why can't he just see that its something i want to do and be done with it. i can't wait to get my license so i can have a lil bit of freedom.
soccer is still goin on now that we won district. it feels like i'll never get to baseball. i hope we lose the first playoff game so i can be free of the bullshit. i don't kno if i'm playin next year, i just seems useless.
some people found out about the darker side of me in class today. i didn't kno i was hidin my bad things so well. maybe this is why i should be in drama. for everyone in my short story group in english, sorry for the surprise. i guess even the people u think are happy and always smiling can be as fucked up as anyone else.
sitting here bleeding