Feb 12, 2007 00:41
Well things are changing again, (as they always do) and I accept the fact that it happens. Change makes the world work; but this time the change that's happening is leaving me confused and caught between 2 futures.
Should I attempt a life of something that I've dreamed of, and risk having a life of thousands of rejections and dead end jobs just to make ends meet; where I may even discover I don't have what it takes? Or should I take the safer path that still allows me to do something I enjoy and guarentees a more stable life, but risk always living with the regret of not choosing the other path? The path that I've pretty much set my mind to that I would take for as far back as I can remember? Do I dare turn my back on my dreams?
When I tell people about my plans for the future I always try to sound like I know what I'm doing, and that I know what steps to take and that I'm keeping myself well prepared so I'm ready for what life throws my way; I show no fear, but the truth is I couldn't be more scared. And deep down I couldn't be more unsure of anything. The steps I've been taking lately could have no affect on anything at all, and I could end up sending myself into the snake pit without a weapon of protection.
Sometimes I wish there could be someone to make all my tough decisions for me; but then again I guess we all kinda wish that at one point...