I've been feeling pretty blahish lately. Can't really tell why... I mean there's nothing wrong going on. My life's going pretty good. Okay, well, my grades weren't the best last semester but they didn't suck. However that hasn't been on my mind at all so that shouldn't be bothering me. It's kinda pissing me off since I can't tell what's bothering me since nothing is wrong. Oh well, hopefully this feeling will go away in time.
Real reason I wanted to post! Pirates 3! I'm just going to quote a review I read since it pretty much sums up my feelings on it.
"Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End is way too long and overly convoluted. But still, in the end, Pirates 3 is a lot of fun to watch."
So yeah, I have a list of complaints about this movie but even after that I still enjoyed the movie.
All right, complaints. For one this movie is WAY TOO FREAKING LONG. Now I don't mind long movies, but even I think 2 3/4 hours is pushing it. I'm afraid pretty soon 3 hour movies will be the standard. They made it unnecessarily long possibly because they were trying to save the plot line. I have to say, it seemed every half hour they started introducing something new. I mean I understand where each new plot point was coming from but it seemed rather made up as they went. Calypso and the Pirate Lords immediately come to mind. They just seemed to kind of pop-up out of nowhere to fix what there was of a plot of the last movie and form a new plot for this third movie. I was already confused enough with all the backstabbing and allegiance changing going on. However I just kept thinking "Hey, at least they have to end it this time! Stuff will get explained in the end." Well it sort of did. Okay, stuff did get explained but it didn't necessarily get tied off all that well. To this moment the ending still feels awkward to me. I mean, it ended which makes it twenty billion times better then the last movie, but it didn't feel right. Will becoming the new captain of the Flying Dutchman? Okay, that came out of left field but I can deal with that. Calypso? Okay, she was released and made a giant whirlpool which ended after the spiffy awesome Dutchman vs. Pearl battle. Wasn't she pissed off at the rest of the Pirate Lords? Where's the rest of her wrath? And lastly, why is Jack right back where he started? Barbossa has run off with the Pearl and Jack is stuck in a dingy. Aren't we right back where Curse of the Black Pearl was sans the undead curse?
Those are my major beefs with the movie. There's a few minor things, such as the movie tried to hard to be funny at times. It seemed like Disney decided to step in and give it a more friendly feel. Well actually I could say that about the last movie also. That just carried on from there. Other minor thing, how did Barbossa become a Pirate Lord? Now, they never really explained very well exactly what a Pirate Lord is but from what little explanation there was it's that they're powerful and famous pirates right? Well, wasn't Barbossa Jack's first mate before he became his own captain? I would assume since Jack was a captain during their labeling of the name that Barbossa would've been his first mate or of a similar rank on another ship during that time. So why would he be a Pirate Lord? I guess he could've been a captain of a ship at that time but it seems weird that he'd become a captain, be labeled a Pirate Lord and then demoted to first mate to the Black Pearl. One last minor thing that bothers me. As I said they seemed to start throwing in more magical myths and what not into this movie and while I don't mind it, it certainly starts to destroy the original charm of the first movie. What really sticks out in my mind is the exchange of words Elizabeth and Barbossa gave in the first movie, "I hardly believe in ghost stories" "Aye, neither did we!" (I don't think that's exactly it, but you know what lines I'm talking about). Well okay, but if all this Calypso talk and C'thulu Davy Jones stuff is going on it seems a little wierd that they wouldn't believe that a curse could be true, you know? It's kind of a long stretch I admit but with all these new pirate myths and legends being introduced in the third movie that these characters should know about, the first movie feels kind of off. Like I said, it's a stretch and it doesn't really ruin the first movie for me but you have to admit it does seem a bit odd.
So why did I still enjoy the movie? Cause in the end, even though I have this list of complaints, the movie was still fun to watch. I guess there was enough good things in the movie that through all the annoying things it still feels fun. The battles were intense and epic and crazy loads of fun. We finally got to see more of Davy Jones character which I think was great and I really enjoyed Barbossa as an anti-hero (even if his resurrection still feels rather unexplained). I can't quite decide if I want to put Will and Elizabeth's wedding in the list of "Best weddings EVAR" or in the "Ridiculous scenes from Pirates 3." It was kind of random and awesome at the same time.
I don't think I'll be buying the second and third Pirate movies on DVD. However I won't flip the channel should they come on TV nor would I say no to someone who would like to put it on to watch. They lack the charm of the first movie, but all in all it was a fun ride.