Mar 14, 2010 13:37

Boy I have a ton of wanky things I could cry about in my livejournal but since I'm actually feeling almost good today, I will instead just post this:


1. Recall old series in a fit of nostalgia, or a new one in a fit of curiosity
2. Explore media
3. Enjoy media with increasing frequency
4. Contemplate looking for fanficiton and fanart. Joke about it lots.
5. Actually look for fanficiton and fanart, time self for how quicky to find gen, slash, etc.
6. Read fanfiction, seek fanfiction, read multi-chapter stories
6a. Bonus points/shame for kinkmeme mining
7. Get idea for possible story, under excuse of looking for it
8. Write down notes for it
8a. Bonus points for a long, detailed plot
9. Possibly start writing story, drawing fanart
10. Lose interest, repeat cycle with different series

I think I could refine the points a little more but I think this is how it goes. I just need a list or something so I can dramatically shout 'oh god, Logan, I'm at Stage 7, what do I do!? D:'

And yes.

In other news my sleep schedule is getting increasingly poor. I am slightly concerned, mostly pissed, because I like sleeping. D< On the other hand, I will probably be inebriated enough from that to make hilariously dumb post.

Also also don't you hate it when you feel like you have to do something but you can't get yourself to do anything?

PS: http://trexila.blogspot.com/

EDIT: HA HA OH WOW I made a post almost exactly like this last year! And it's even still on the same page as this one, on that's great.
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