Stories still boring me. But dude, Jack is rocking this show.
His character arc is refreshing and not standard Lost regurgitations of the same story again and again. It has that quality that Juliet and Sawyers relationship had in Season 5. Something totally new and a nice change of pace.
Just in case.. )
I did like the explosion though. Bodies flying. That was cool. /shallow
And hey, my crazy fanfic writing aside, I am actually shocked that not only Jack, but everyone except for Kate chose to leave Claire behind without even really questioning it. Even Hurley, like someone on my flist mentioned.
Part of that is probably due to my desire for the Claire story to be told in a compelling way, even though it's obvious it's not happening that way. I mean, when she said that she trusts Smokey cause he's the only one who never abandoned her, there's a part of that that rings true. She was essentially abandoned by the only people who knew she was still alive. And that could be compelling. But it's this show, and so it's not. The only part of it they're getting right is Kate's determination to set that right. I'm still not clear on why she wasn't back in the 70s with the rest of them, or if she was, why they weren't looking for her the way they were looking for Rose and Bernard. And where are Rose and Bernard ANYWAY?
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