Aug 05, 2003 01:08
Well I haven't had a real update in like a month and a half, and I've finally scrounged together enough to talk about to call it an entry. So the last few days have been really busy at the mall, and that means really busy at Panera Hell too. And there's not really any reason why it should be so busy. But anyways, I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And I'm dead tired. And on Sunday night, Yolyn (the manager) asks me to do my standard dusting and drain cleaning. I say "You know, can I just come in tomorrow morning for an hour and do it, and then go home?" He of course responds with a jubilant affirmitive. So I wake up at ten this morning because I'm old and can't sleep past ten, and I put on the crappy red polo that I've been wearing for days, and the crappy pants I've been wearing for longer, and wander into Panera, get out the ladder, and dust all the lights. And then I helped out with a little bit of the food orders, but I couldn't clean the drains because we were out of the cleaner fluid. So I left and went to CompUSA to get some headphones. So I'm looking around the store for a few minutes, and this guy comes up to me and starts to ask me about some product or another, and then we exchange puzzled looks for a second, and he says something to the effect of "You don't work here, do you?" I of course respond with a "no", and the guy moves on. Then I look around the store, and every employee is wearing a red polo with a CompUSA insignia on it. I'm like "oh fuck I've got to get out of here." So I go to the headphone section, and I fend off another guy trying to interrogate me about some computer product or another. So I finally get out of there, come home, and shower. I guess that was kind of an anticlimactic denouement, but I think you all can live with it.
Mike Katz