Mar 04, 2007 22:32
Well, we decided that we will just use our income tax and bonus to pay off some high interest bills. We couldn't get the right payment per month on a Jeep Andrew wanted so we will just pay off some bills to get them off our credit and then try again later when we have extra money and not so much credit out. It sucks but then again its for the best. Now that we will have Lacks paid off and soon two credit cards we will then be able to go and get an actual bedroom set.
My brother, MJ, is thinking about moving in with us after he graduates high school so he can have a taste of the world and actually get some background experience of the Air Force. Who knows, we might join together. Been thinking more and more about it. Course right now I feel all talk but not walking. Need to lose at least 40 lbs. Not losing anything yet. Kind of disappointed in myself but I hope to change that.
I am going to be going back to nights at work staring May 7. I'll be taking some day classes but not sure towards what yet. Andrew says to just get my bachleor's in something and join the military as an officer however not sure what I want to major in yet and I'm not even half way to getting my Associate's. According to a girl who is joining I have at least 2 1/2 yrs to decide. So I might take a full load at school just to get done with at least my Associate's quicker or towards a technical degree. Need to speak with a recruiter at least. I'd still like to leave BCBS but the money and the tuition reimbursement is great so might stick with it until I can either get a technical degree in something.
Well, this is all I can think of right now. I need to organize my desk. Can't find anything. Well, need to go finish laundry. Hope to hear from ya. Sorry if I have seem to distant. Just seems like I don't have enough time in a day or even enough money to go out with the girls or we just aren't on the same schedule. Maybe that will change.