Ivan's gone. And I have pictures for you all! I finally got around to posting them! There's a shitload, but they're all special in their own way. :)
My Birthday.
That swim mask is SO SEXY.
Jack and the Jew.
I love this picture! Des' dress was way cute.
Erin and I. <333
I miss Cathy! She and I had to try to change out of our dresses in the BMW, and that was FUN. or not. it was very difficult, haha.
Kiera and I. how hot.
It's M-slice, haha.
BAND <333
I love this picture. It's Chase's best picture ever. And you can see me taking the picture in the glasses reflection, haha. I looked like shit, because we were headed out to practice. Those are Kevin's glasses. That he never wears because they look better on everyone else.
It's Gavin, but I just thought that it looked cool with the flip folder there and everything.Even though everyone knows that a real player doesn't use flip folders, haha.
A really good picture that I got of Kevin right before he decide to slice his finger.
Me playing on the slide out at Liza Jackson! That was a really fun day.
A good picture of Folsom fixing the speakers. or something.
Billy and Anthony at the last pep-rally. They were doing the drum part to 'Take Me Out'.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE! The clouds look pretty. I've been up there at night! :)
WORK HAS BEEN HELL. Bridget is pissed at Kim and I hate how she wants to bitch at me about it. I feel like I'm back at school gossiping about people. I want work to be like it used to be. But yeah.
I got home and I had two fun messages on the answering machine! One was from Mrs. Pearson, and she's so cute! It made me smile. And then Fo called to make sure that I got his other message, and I told him that I already called everyone and then we talked about how the storm affected everyone. And then I decided to update this. The end. :D
-Kathryn out.