Aug 07, 2004 20:26
School has resumed. :| woo. My schedual is as follows. It's actually not that bad.
1st: Algebra 2 - Mrs. Kline
2nd: Marine Science Honors - Mama B (!!!)
3rd: AP American History - Mr. Brock
4th: Spanish 2 - Mr. Fornaciarri
5th: Symphonic Band - Folsom
6th: Jazz Band - The Fo (<333)
7th: AP English - Urq (<333)
I have some crappy classes, like Spanish, but I also have some kick-ass classes, like English, Band, and Marine Science. I love Mrs. Botterbusch!! And I am so happy that I don't have Rackley. I heard that he and Folsom got in a fight and that now he doesn't like the band kids. :| How can you NOT like the band kids?!
Anyway, my last three classes of the day are awesome. We're already playing stuff in jazz, and we only have two saxes so far this year. Folsom's trying to recruit more, and I'm going to try and get Chris in there. He isn't that bad, and I'm going to bring my tenor home and let him play around with the music a little bit. He needs to be doing something in high school other than drugs and alcohol. And surfing. He's going to teach me how, he says. Because I'm a 'loser' because I can't. Whatevs.
Marika and I just went and saw 'Napoleon Dynamite' and it was GREAT. There were four other people in the theater with us, and the guys sitting in front of us were great. They were loud and obnoxious and funny. And then there were like, two six year olds sitting in the very front burping and making fun of the guys who where sitting in front of us. So yes, it was great. Marika and I were cracking up the entire time. We now have a new favorite movie.
After the movie we went to the Zoo Gallery and I found the lamp of my dreams. I think I'm going to redo my entire room, and have everything based off the lamp. It's hott, trust me. And we saw Ryan and Raven and they were wild and crazy and fun. I want to work there now, because they are so fun.
Then we went to the toy store so that Marika could check out the Hello Kitty stuff. I think that P.S. Gifts has a much better selection. But I ended up buying a giraffe Beanie Baby (I LOVE GIRAFFES! and Kangaroos. And Bambi.) I also got a little kit to make tiny origami stars. I'm going to make them and keep them in a little bowl. :) Because I have no life. Oh well, they're really cool. We also met up with Travis and Matt there. Travis is Karen's boyfriend, and Matt is his friend. They were really cool. Then I came home because Marika, Karen, and the guys were going to dinner, and yeah. Karen and I aren't too tight, and I think that everyone was spending the night at Karen's, so that's why I didn't go with them.
Mike came to band practice the other night and didn't speak to me at all. What an ass. I called him the next day to find out why he can't even speak to me now, and he said that he 'wasn't comfortable talking to me'. Sounds like someone needs to grow up. :| Anywho, I have a shitload of homework to go do. Peace.
-Kathryn out.