Feb 15, 2006 12:17
I know its hard for certain people to pay attention... but listen close because u are getting on my nerves, When i was asked on sun. if i was mad.. i destinctly remember saying that i was a little but probably more hurt and that i wanted to talk to nicole before i went jumping to any conclusions, i did WAT I SAID I WAS GOING TO DO! and i talked to nicole, sure enough when we talked about it i decided that i wasnt mad and i clearly came out on monday right when i was asked why i was talking to nicole and said that I WAS NOT MAD AT HER (member because some people came out and said well I AM) so ya dont go sayin shit like that i said that she pisses me off because the closest thing i said to that is that if she was going to get mad at us for telling ang's mom that she wasnt at norkies house that would be retarded and IF SHE DID GET MAD AT US FOR IT THAT, THAT Would piss me off OK so shut ur fuckin mouths because u obviously are trying to start shit ... and it AINT GONNA WORK! so how bout u leave me the hell alone because i have now explained to u for the 2nd time and if i have to do it again im gonna be pissed...