Nov 10, 2004 12:30
Would you ever:
1. Eat a bug? yucky
2. Bungee jump? um yeah, Mary and I have a CONTRACT... lol
3. Hang glide? yeah, was supposed to a few years back
4. Kill someone? only on extreme circumstances
5. Kiss someone of the same sex? been there done that nothing new
6. Have sex with someone of the same sex? um how about no
7. Parachute from a plane? sure, it would be fun
8. Walk on hot coals? no way
9. Go out with someone for their looks? did it :-[
10. For their reputation? never followed reps too well
11. Be a vegetarian? it would be hard but if I had to I could
12. Wear plaid with stripes? uh.. right
13. IM a stranger? eh why not?
14. Sing Karaoke? do it all the time
15. Get drunk off your ass? twice, almost 3 times
16. Shoplift? oops
17. Run a red light? OOPS
18. Star in a porn video? thats a negative soldier
19. Dye your hair blue? PINK
20. Be on Survivor? no way man
21. Wear makeup in public? eh whatever
22. Not wear makeup in public? what can ya do?
23. Cheat on a test? DOUBLE OOPS
24. Make someone cry? uh huh... few too many :(
25. Date someone more than 10 years older than you? um no
26. Stay up all night? did it last night... still havent slept...
Arrested: no
Hand Cuffed: not by a cop... lol
Scared:yes, who the HELL hasn't?
Depressed: um.. hmm... of course I am
In Love: The only thing that keeps my head up nowadays
Confused: somewhat
In a Fight: yeah
Contact Fight: der of course
In Debt: sorta
Sick: okay i wanna meet someone who has NEVER been sick.
In the hospital: like 3 times in the ER, once in the ICU
Drunk: *titter*
High: oh goodness.... *rolls eyes*
On Tv: YUP
On Probation: nope
Under House Arrest: nope
Grounded: once or twice
Threatened: okay dude threatened to bring a GUN to the bus and SHOOT me. I think so
Happy: only when Im with Chris
Too busy: more and more
Hurt: kinda
Ignored: yup
Ugly: hmmm... YEAH
Lost: where am I know? Exactly.
Forgotten: huh? what? (sometimes)
Clueless: a little
Dumb: okay I'm from HARPER CREKK. What do you think? Of course! Der!
Fat: some
Helpless: yes
Ruined: not quite
Pretty: only when I take like 10 hours of preperation
Loved: whenever I hear or see Chris!!
Annoying: oh yeah definately
Meat/Veggies: meat
Love/Money: love
Family/Career: family
Fat/Skinny: skinny-im dreaming
Busy/Lazy: in between? lol
Car/Bike: car
Summer/Winter: summer
Beach/Mountain: mountain
Travel/Work: travel
Lover/Friend: if youre lucky they'll be both
Right/Wrong: right
1 Best Friend/100 'friends': one best