Tis a joyous run. I have much to say and I shall paraphrase… no, too long… I shall sum up. (Mom, this is a hint to comment with that cool icon.)
Staying for spring semester will be great. I am excited to get to get to work not only at work at the CID (for those you do not know, it is the Center for Institutionalized Disorders or the Center for Insanity Distilled), but to work in my classes and in my major doing other stuffs like my models. I will have oodles of great possibilities here. I am hoping for the best.
First things first. Shannon is amazing. I never got to post about her awesome performances at Dancesport this last semester, but she was amazing. She got to compete in the Novice Latin and made at least the quarterfinals in all her other events. HOWEVER, that is not her latest feat with her feet that you all may have read in her last post. For those who haven’t, allow me to have a dramatic drum roll! (Drums start) Thank you!
(More drums)
(Heighten the tension by leaning over slightly)
(More drums)
Shannon made the BYU spring ballroom dance team at BYU! Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!
She tried out Tuesday morning and found out before noon. I missed her cha-cha, but her waltz looked great. I myself was interested in what the dance teachers were thinking as they watched Shannon dance. I was not let down. No sooner had the group taken three steps to the music one of them turns to the other, jamming his finger down on the paper, and mouths Shannon repeatedly until the other starts writing furiously on the paper he was pointing at. I was almost ready to bite my fingers off because I wanted to know what that gesture meant.
Congratulations, Shannon. It is past due. : ) The team will be so lucky to have you.
As for me, I will post again soon when I can. I did not get as much done today as I would have hoped and this is the extent of my time.
See you all soon. Vale!