Mar 08, 2008 23:16
Work Training Days
In half term I two "Welcome to SMH: Staff Induction" days at work. Boring as hell. It was all important stuff (Data Protection, Infection Control, Pensions, Unions, Child Protection, Protection of Vulnerable Adults, Nutrition Screening etc. etc.), it's just that it was two days worth of having information projected at me through the medium of blue-screened slideshows, accompanied by non-stimulating speakers, and I couldn't help but fall asleep. Literally. I fell asleep twice in the Infection Control presentation, which I was actually trying really hard to pay attention in. Maybe the "Diversity & Equality" lecture would've been a better one to snooze through, but it was earlier in the day. The only really attention-grabbing bit was the Fire Safety lecture, which was actually really fun, coz the guy was great. It was also the last one of the second day.
Anyway, to sum up: They were very useful and important lectures, I learnt a lot of relevant stuff and did feel like I benefited from them. They just weren't much fun. But I did get free lunch.
My Health
I went to see Dr. M last Friday to talk about coming off my meds. After me filling him in on the last few months, he agreed that I was ready, and at the end of this supply I'll stop them. Which is very good news. Drugs, counselling, a new (fulfilling) job and general beneficial life changes (both personal and external) have done me a hell of a lot of good, and I'm in a much, much better "place" than I was last year. As reluctant as I was to resort to meds, I can't deny that they've worked. I'm just glad I'm well enough to stop relying on them. I just need to take care of myself from now on.
In other news, I'm turning into a pensioner: my hip is fucked up. It started off just being a little bit twingy/move-y about-y whenever I walked fast. Now it hurts just to take a few steps, and if I walk long distances it feels like someone is stabbing a knife into my hip, and my knee starts to go as well. So there's definitely something wrong with my left leg. I'm 17; I shouldn't be having unprovoked joint problems. I'm making an appointment some time next week, and hopefully I'll get referred to a physio soon-ish, coz I can't affort to have my walking hindered for any period of time; I walk too much.
Basically I feel like a big fat hypochondriac. As someone who never gets ill properly, having several things all at one time is somewhat alien to me, and I feel ridiculous bringing up all these complaints; even more so in taking them to the doctor.
Last night I played in the 1st round of the soloists' competition. Didn't get thru, but I really don't care, coz I was happy with my performance and am not bothered about winning any prizes.
Still got a recital and two other solos in concerts coming up in the summer; it's actually been really nice working on stuff for them with Hugh and Susan. I like having something concrete to look forward to, and also they both seem really excited about it, which is rubbing off on me and upping my enthusiasm loads.
Also I'm enjoying music more and more and more because I love spending time with Sarah. Ever since I stayed with her last April, our friendship has got stronger and stronger, and she's now one of my favourite people to spend time with. We're so close and always have a brilliant time together, whatever we're doing. She's just a great girl; incredibly genuine, got no pretences or airs & graces, she's not trying to impress anyone. She's just hilarious and generous and unassuming. And now I've got her addicted to Heroes, we have yet another thing to never shut up about. *SMILE*