life's lessons #2: thou shalt swear never to cut thy own hair again.
yeah for the sake of saving myself some $$ i actually attempted to trim my bangs :( and as expected, i did a horrible job and looked like a walking disaster. thank goodness for my grandaunt who managed to salvage the damage and made me look human again. i really owe her one (:
afterwards had dinner at siglap's hk cafe with shu en, germaine and fabian (: as ger didn't join us last week we spent most of the time updating her on the happenings in our lives. and apparently i've got a bad reputation as someone who is boycrazy :((( I AM NOT!! :P had a fun time gossiping and camwhoring as well (: they said i love to POSE as well and i'll start posing as soon as i sense a camera near me. oops. i swear it's not on purpose, i'm just very camera-sensitive. kuku fabian kept taking unglam pics on me too and now the whole world prolly thinks i'm the epitome of unglamness :( oh but i love them all the same =D had dessert later at this place called Royals and i must say that they have really good cakes! really must meet up more often with them, cos friends like them are friends to keep.
okayyyy, peekcher time!
seems like my blog entries always sound the same :( geeez. but if there was one thing i could change about my country for one day it would be the attitude of singaporeans towards service staff. give us more respect please!