Mar 31, 2004 20:35
Well, iain wouldn't stop e-mailing me to update, so here I go! Today sucked! we might have to cut our jv team in about 2 weeks. I am soo torn about this! I just wish schutlz would have listen to me when I said that soccer has to abide by conference rules to! but now, since we have juniors on jv, which isn't allowed, we would have to cut them or put them on varsity,( which then we wouldn't play) but there isn't enough freshman and sophomores to make a team! I am soo mad! and to top that off, Schutlz is a sick man! He is soo tied up in every other thing in the world that he doesn't take the time to be clean and sanitary and get enough uniforms for everyone, so now when varsity is done with their uniforms, jv had to get them right away, sweat and all. So like the shorts we had to use, they were used on Friday for a game right after Vasity used them, the jv got them, ran around, then they sat in shilacki's car over the weekend, then we get them back, not washed on tuesday! ok, I don't know about anyone else, but that is pretty damn sick!!!! WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID AND IGGNORANT!!!!