Oct 03, 2007 00:31
I still have a paid journal! I TOTALLY expected it to be gone! But, yay for automatic payments. I had forgotten about it, but it took care of itself. *does a lil dance*
Helped Suzzanne move today, then just hung out and went to dinner. It was lots n loads o fun, nice to hang out with her again. Hadn't truly done that in a few years. ^_____________^
Getting ready for Sugoicon. For any who don't know, I will be cosplaying Tsunade from Naruto, and an original Loveless fighter with Jess as my sacrifice. Our name will be Twisted. *snickers* Fitting, me thinks. I'm still debating what to do for my Tsunade costume. Suzzanne can make the coat for me, but we haven't talked about the top. That will be the cheaper route, I think, although the top will provide problems. Or, I could just buy a whole costume off ebay for somewhere around $150. Not that I can afford it. *ish dirt poor*
Working at Long John's again. Talk about bleh factor. But I need the money. It's not my favorite job in the world, but I can handle, for a bit at least. Continuing to seek a better paying job that's NOT in food service. I am SOOOOO sick of food service. Lol.
Random thoughtage- for any who don't know, I am now officially BLONDE! As in, Galadriel!blonde. And for those of you who don't know who Galadriel is, she's the Lady of Lothlorien, an elf from Lord of the Rings. The actress who plays her is Kate Blanchette. Hmmmm.... *tries to think of a better example* I'd say that it's the same color as my creative writing teacher's hair... but not only do I EXTREMELY dislike that woman, no one else knows her. Lol. I can't think of any other blonde famous people, so I'll just say that's it's somewhere between platinum and bleach blonde. Pretty, I like it. Maybe I'll post a piccie later. I dyed it for Tsunade, and because I've always wanted this color blonde hair.
LEGOLAS!BLONDE!There we go, that's perfect! Lol!
*picks icon... points to it....* THAT'S my hair color!
Anywayssssssss..... I was going to say something else, but then I remembered my hair. Classes are going well. Just getting over the hump of midterms atm. Did a speech on RPGs for my public speaking class last week, and that went pretty well. Turned in a fiction story for my creative writing class yesterday, and I'm REALLY proud of the story. I'll post it up here in a bit. Took a test in my world lit class today, and I think I did well for the most part. And my other classes don't really have tests. They're physical classes.
And, I think that's about all of my random spewage of thoughts for now. Catch ya later!