Mar 10, 2005 22:33
So I start my day out going to school looking forward to it and I don't know why but yeah. I go in, pass through the metal detectors, and I usually put my phone and my Ipod in my bookbag and usually just the Ipod will show up when it passes through the conveyor belt. Only difference is that there was a different security guard there watching the bags go through (A fucking bitchy security guard I may add). She seen my Ipod figuring it was a phone, usually the other security guards don't care if you have a cell phone. So she opens my bag, takes my phone out and puts it in her pocket, my friend Sergio told me as he was walking through the metal detector. So I walk up to her and said "What's the problem?". She says "Excuse me sir? I believe you have a cell phone in your bag, do you have a note?". I say "Well excuse ME.. but are you questioning all the other people that decide to put their phones on the table and you let THEM PASS?...I didn't think so, so can I have my phone back?". She says "No sir you can not get your phone back, you must bring a parent up to the school to get it back" so I walked off. So I go to my locker and put my stuff away and I was digging through my pockets and found my antenna for my phone and decided to go back over to the security guard and tell her, "Well you might as well take this before I lose it." She was screaming "Sir, get back over here". So I walk over and ask "What do you want now? Can't you see I'm going to class now?"..She said "What is this grey thing you gave me?"..."It's my antenna, it attatches to my phone". So she just starts digging through her pockets and trying to find my phone, with a bunch of shit she had in her coat pockets she finally gives up and just says, "Well I'll find it later on and I'll attatch it". So what does she do? She puts the fucking small ass antenna into her garbage pockets, even though she could even find my phone which is TWICE THE SIZE AS THE FUCKING ANTENNA. So that's perfect, if she losses it, she owes me a new $200 dollar phone. I go to my 3rd period class, which was in the auditorium, as usual my teacher not being here. Sitting there bored, the bell finally rings and I get change for a dollar to call my mom on a payphone in the school and tell her what's up. She told me to make up an excuse like telling them that she can't come up because she is in the hospital with pneumonia, which I thought was a great idea. After I got off the phone...well, what do you know, the principal is standing like 20 feet away from me just watching the students. I walk over to him and ask him if it's okay to have an approval to get my phone back without her coming up because she is in the hospital with pneumonia and just for him to call her and ask her if it's okay to get my cell phone back. As we were getting more into detail with this discussion, the tardy bell rang, I thought to myself (seeing that I was far away from the classroom) "Well that's fine, my Economics teacher let's people in and doesn't mark them tardy anyway". Well I thought wrong this time, over the intercom, they announced a school sweep. A school sweep being...That all teachers must close their doors, and any student left outside those doors is sent to the auditorium, and USUALLY they just sit there for a period, then they get released. So I go up to my Economics class and the door is WIDE OPEN, so I'm like "Yessss". My teacher told me to go to the auditorium, it was like 1 MINUTE AFTER THE BELL. So I said "Are you kidding me?" and he said "No, go to the auditorium". So I walk down to the auditorium where the Principal is standing and I ask him for a pass since I was just talking to him. He told me straight up.."NO". I really couldn't say anything except "I WAS JUST TALKING TO YOU, WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?" he said, go to the auditorium. I had no control over it so I just went. Since everyone was so stupid about this sweep they were acting like a bunch of wild apes at a zoo as usual. So the principal comes down and turns on the microphone and starts screaming, and they are all just laughing. So he contemplates and says "Well you know what then? You won't be laughing once you all get your 3 day suspension" And everyone went nuts, and he said keep it up and it will be 5. So were all sitting in the auditorium for like 4 hours straight because we all had to wait for the suspension papers to finish printing up. I say within an hour of sitting there, a girl behind me pukes, and it just smells in the auditorium for the other 3 hours. My name is finally called off and I get my paper and go to 7th period. The principal and I had the discussion about my phone after school and called my mom, and everything will be ok when I come back up to school on wednesday. I have to bring her up there with me, because if I don't I'll be suspended again, so she's coming up to get my phone, and so also I don't get suspended. My parents were screaming at me off the top of their lungs, they shouldn't have because I got my progress report today, and MAN, the best I've ever done in school I tell ya. But now they're all calm about it, it's just that I have to do ALOOOOT of house work for my 3 days off, but thats okay..