I feel good~!

Mar 17, 2007 19:06

If you live, you will die
You won't live forever stuck in time

!!! XDDD Can this really happen? XDD

In May, I'm going to go to Prague with Still-chan, and next fall my host there will come here in turn. And just a moment ago Mrs Laine, our neighbour, came here to confess, laughing, that they had just taken a Japanese exchange student to live with them AND, without ever asking our opinion, let the exchange student organization know that their neighbours (meaning my family XD) are ready to take an exchange student to live here next fall! XDD So practically, we're possibly getting a Japanese high school student here in August. (Which means we would have the Japanese fellow and the Czech fellow here at the same time. XD)

Way to go, Mrs Laine! I love my neighbours! XDD

Yes, I'm all hyper and no, I'm not doing my homework. Stupid questions. XD

Can you see me, world? Can you see me now? 8D

exhange students

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