Just cause I have a free moment...

Sep 30, 2004 17:25

I'd like to take a moment and talk about my stance on politics.

For starters, let me explain that I liken one's politics to one's religious beliefs. I feel that every individual is entitled to believe in whatever or whomever he or she pleases. I don't care if you're catholic, jewish, bhuddist (sp?), morman, whatever. Much in the same way, I don't care if you're republican, democrat, green party, libertarian, etc. All I ask of people is that you not press what you believe on me. I am quite set in my religious and political beliefs. Want to know what I think? Feel free to ask me. I'll sit down and discuss it with you. No problem. DO NOT come to me and say "I'm this, and you should be too, and here's why!" That will get you nowhere VERY quickly with me.


I can't stand Jahova's Witnesses. Why? Because when I lived in St. Augustine, without fail, they'd show up at my door EVERY weekend, usually early in the morning or early afternoon and try to tell me why I should think like they do and blah blah blah. Now, as I said before, I don't have any problem whatsoever with what they think. That's not at issue here. The problem comes when they try to force it down my throat.

I have the very same type of problem with two of my roomates. They're very much hardcore left-wing liberals who hate G.W. Bush with a burning passion. It's really all I ever hear about when I'm home anymore. I don't think Bush is the greatest president we've ever had. Hell, he may be the worst. I think time will tell. But please, please don't try and convince me every fucking day that John Kerry is the next best thing since sliced bread. I'm an educated individual. I have access to lots and lots of information. I know how to make informed decisions. I don't need to be told how to vote, or for whom, or why. At this point I'm ready to vote for ANYONE but John Kerry just to spite my roomates because I feel like I've been so over-exposed to their point of view.

I also don't like signs, bumper stickers, buttons, pins, etc. that proclaim who you support or intend to vote for. Nobody gives a rat's hairy asshole who you're going to vote for. It's really nobody's business but your own. All you're doing is defacing your car, house, or shirt with an ugly sticker (no matter which side it supports). I get entirely sick of looking at them and they seem to pop up EVERYWHERE this time of year. I can understand showing support for local candidates, or maybe even state-level representatives that everyone isn't familliar with, but the presidential election is for all intents and purposes between two men. You know who you're going to vote for, I know who I'm going to vote for. Lose the fucking advertisements. It seems to me one side of this is far worse than the other. Take a look around. What do you see the most of? Yeah. You know what I'm talking about here.

Anyway. I'm done with this for now. I have to go to class.
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